MS4 Permitting

DEP requires that municipalities adhere to specific guidelines for the management of stormwater. Stormwater regulations associated with the Federal Clean Water Act (CWA) are administered under the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) program. The MS4 program focuses on managing discharges into the waters of the region through education and implementation of proper control measures and best management practices MS4 Mapping Plainfield Township(BMPs).  As part of the MS4 permit, each municipality is required to reduce the amount of pollutants found within the local watershed areas. These improvements include tree plantings, stormwater basin upgrades, and stream bank restoration.  The improvements are designed to help reduce the amount of pollutants that reach the local streams, thus creating a healthier environment for the surrounding residents and wildlife.  Since 2011, our firm has remained current on the developing MS4 permit requirements.  Over the years, we have prepared Public Education and Outreach Programs, Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Programs, Public Input and Participation Programs as well as Operations & Maintenance (O&M) manuals and training for our municipal clients.  Recently, we have prepared Pollutant Reduction Plans in accordance with new MS4 permitting requirements.  We also prepare MS4 mapping using GIS, perform outfall inspections and prepare annual reports for PADEP.  In addition, we have successfully represented municipal clients in gaining waivers of the MS4 permitting requirements. 

Jeffrey L.Ott MSA Education Outreach PresentationJeffrey L. Ott, P.E., President has provided numerous public education presentations regarding MS4 permitting and the importance of clean water in Pennsylvania.  Most recently, Mr. Ott provided a presentation for Washington Township at their regularly scheduled Board of Supervisors meeting.  The presentation topics included water supply, riparian buffers, farms and their impact on water quality, siltation, rain gardens and how residents can help reduce pollutants.